Writing Skills for Entrepreneurs:
Why Are They Important?

See also: How to Write a Business Case

Being a good entrepreneur comes with many responsibilities. You must actively promote your business, earn good profits, and constantly engage in your company’s development.

Besides these duties, a good entrepreneur also studies market behavior and develops new strategies and plans based on his or her observations.

That sounds tiring, doesn’t it? Well, it is. Being an entrepreneur is challenging and overwhelming. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. You must work hard in order to gain popularity and put your business on the right track.

So many small companies get lost in the process – some entrepreneurs simply can’t do it; and I can’t blame them. Nobody likes too much pressure or too much anxiety in their lives. Many managers and directors can’t handle the stress that comes with the job; and maybe Dora Koln, manager at Small Oaks Farm, couldn’t have managed it either, if it weren’t for journaling.

Dora shares her story.

Writing has made my business expand in unbelievable ways. I was never a good writer but, once I started journaling, I realized it’s more important than you think. Journaling made me think outside the box, released anxiety and pressure, and transformed me into a successful business woman.

Here are some reasons why writing can be extremely beneficial in your career too. Take a look at our list, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any comments!

1. Business Planning

Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” And he was right.

Effective business owners will plan out their company’s strategies and propose complex ideas constantly. If you are not good at business planning, there is a high chance you lack organizational skills. But there is more. If you do not plan accordingly, you are probably a poor writer.

Take a minute to think about business planning, and imagine how important writing skills are in any entrepreneur’s life. When planning your business, you are:

  • Thinking about ways to raise money and develop your business – in order to raise money for expanding your business, you will need to write down a strong business strategy with compelling arguments for your investors. Being a good writer is a powerful advantage in this situation, as people will be more willing to invest in your business once they fully understand what it stands for and how it impacts the market.

  • Communicating ideas and sharing with stakeholders – Important stakeholders will not meet you from the start. You must send them a summary of your company’s activities first. After reading your company’s plans, they decide whether or not they’d like to meet you and discuss further details. Having poor writing skills is disadvantageous in this context as well, as fewer investors might meet you for this reason.

  • Designing advertisements and focusing on promotional strategies – If you are a small business owner, there is a high chance you can’t afford a marketing analyst at this point. If that is the case, designing advertisements and promotion strategies can be a pain in the bum without good writing skills.

2. Promoting Business Through Blogging

Another great promotional strategy is blogging.

Consumers are more likely to access your blog first, and then your website. Thus, having a proficient writing style and proper grammar is a must in this context. Blogging is the most prolific method to building a large online audience. And a sustainable business with loyal customers and committed buyers will grow fast and improve rapidly.

Another great advantage of promoting your business through blogging is that it makes you a field expert. Constantly writing about your products requires consistent market research. Thus, you are always going to be on top of the game if you blog. But how can you blog properly without good writing skills?

3. Communication

Developing long-lasting partnerships with other companies requires good communication skills and amazing writing qualities.

Presenting genuine reasons as to why partners should pick you over your competitors can have a significant impact on your company’s future development. Since there are so many businesses present in the online market, most of today’s communication is done in writing. Being unable to effectively express your plans and bright ideas might prevent your business from growing.

4. Therapy

Entrepreneurship is stressful most of the time.

Besides looking at the business part of the equation, take a step back and look at the other numerous reasons why writing is so important. One of the most powerful arguments is that writing is therapeutic. Imagine spending 15 minutes every night laying out concerns and letting go of negativity.

Displaying everything that’s on your mind on a piece of paper will increase your productivity level by releasing the stress and anger accumulated throughout the day. After you write, you start seeing things more clearly; you start connecting the lines, and you realize things you’ve barely noticed before.

5. Increasing Determination

If writing is not your strongest skill, it is an interesting way to increase your determination and test your limits.

The more you write, the easier it becomes – but in order to get to that level, you must constantly practice. Persistent practice will polish up your mind and get you out of your comfort zone. You’ll learn that giving up is not a choice.

On top of that, your speaking skills might improve too! Writing requires organization, focus, and administration. Developing these qualities in writing might improve your speaking skills as well. And we all know how important verbal communication skills are for entrepreneurs.

6. Introspecting

Writing is one of the best methods to begin introspecting.

While meditation and yoga could follow, writing is a simple, yet meaningful, process through which we can express ourselves without doubt. Even if you are not a good writer at the moment, it’s never too late to begin practicing.

Here are some ideas:

  • Begin by exposing your feelings and frustrations
  • What do you feel and why?
  • Can you dig deeper and write down the roots of your frustrations?
  • What makes you unable to sleep at night?
  • Why do you want to succeed that badly? Is there a hidden reason behind it?
  • Is there something missing in your life? Do you replace that “something” with interminable work?
  • Explore yourself and your inner thoughts and write them down now.

After you’ve written down the above questions, answer them as accurately as possible. You will notice how good you will feel about yourself.

Release that pressure, and get to know yourself even better!

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Self-Employment and Running Your Own Business

The Skills You Need Guide to Self-Employment and
Running Your Own Business

If you are thinking about running your own business, or already do so, but feel that you need some guidance, then this eBook is for you. It takes you through self-employment in easy steps, helping you to ensure that your business has more chance of success.

The Skills You Need Guide to Self-Employment and Running Your Own Business is the guide no new or aspiring entrepreneur can afford to be without!

Based on our popular self-employment and entrepreneurship content.

Wrapping it Up

Entrepreneurship can be challenging, overwhelming, and sometimes tiring. That’s why working on developing your writing skills should be a number one priority. Writing will not only release pressure and help you let go of negativity, but it will also open new doors and perspectives for you and your business plans. So, write well, and run your company properly!

About the Author

Stephanie Proper is a writer and a career strategist. She tries to find the best solutions for career building and self-development.