How to Improve Your Writing Skills
Using Paraphrasing Tools?

See also: Formal and Informal Writing Styles

You might be looking to improve your writing skills. So, how can you do it with these AI-based tools?

You might be searching online, watching videos, or asking experts to help you improve your writing skills. However, at the end of the day, it’s only your own skills that’ll come to save you. So, you need to develop your existing skills.

But, how exactly can you do that? With the help of paraphrasing tools. These AI-based programs come to the fore when a writer needs them the most. You can either read a viable guide to help you paraphrase manually, or you can do it through these tools.

So, how do you go about using paraphrasing tools to help you improve your writing skills? What’s the proper procedure, if there is even one? There definitely is, and today we’ll be exploring the ways a paraphrasing tool will help you develop your writing skills. Let us begin.

What Are Paraphrasing Tools?

The process of paraphrasing entails using various tactics to rewrite a sentence, paragraph, or the entirety of a document. In this process, the writer rephrases content without deviating from the meaning and context of the content.

Manually, this process takes time, depending on the content’s length. However, using a paraphrasing tool changes the content within seconds—regardless of the size of the document. This is mainly because paraphrasing tools rely heavily on a few key essentials, such as:

  • Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to read and analyze your content
  • AI-based rephrasing
  • Various algorithms to alter the content tone
  • Removing redundancy or improving the content

These four major offerings are persistent in any sort of content, regardless of the tool’s paid or free nature. However, some tools take it upon themselves to determine the right content tone for any given content piece.

These types of tools can make the content significantly better without compromising quality. So, the primary purpose of a paraphrasing tool is to improve your content at the flick of a switch.

5 Ways of Improving Your Writing Skills Using Paraphrasing Tools

How does a tool improve your writing skills? So far, you might be thinking that a paraphrasing tool does your job for you, so how does it help you improve your skills?

It’s proven that people learn better when things are demonstrated. You can read guides about writing good content. However, when you see good content before your eyes, you will understand just how to get there.

Now, these paraphrasing tools help you improve your content, regardless of its length or type. Then, they help you change your content’s tone and improve each of your sentences by making it flow better.

Therefore, seeing this transformation of content before your eyes will give any writer the idea of good content. So, here are five ways paraphrasing tools can help to improve your writing skills:

1. Improve Your Paragraphs & Passages

Improving writing skills requires you to target one element at a time. One of the most important aspects of writing good content is formulating engaging paragraphs. Here’s an example:

“My research helped me understand the problems of the common community. Therefore, I try my best to portray them through this text. But, sometimes it's a problem because finding articulate words isn't exactly easy. That's why I rely on certain elements of statistics and research.”

This passage isn’t exactly wrong or bad. It’s not flowing badly either. However, it does lack conviction. So, how can we fix that? Let’s try to use an AI paraphrase tool and see if it improves it.

Paraphraser tool example - My research helped me understand the problems of the common community. Therefore, I try my best to portray them through this text. But, sometimes it's a problem because finding articulate words isn't exactly easy. That's why I rely on certain elements of statistics and research.

As you can see here, the paraphrasing tool’s AI has made some changes, which it has coloured in red. So, you can see this passage has improved significantly, demonstrating exactly how AI can help you improve your paragraphs.

2. Make Your Sentences Flow Better

Writing gripping sentences is yet another key essential of writing good content. That’s why, you need to focus on writing essentials that help you overcome that obstacle. So, a good sentence must be concise and clear.

Here’s an example of a sentence:

“The people in power are unaware and indifferent to the city's problems and they act as if it is not their concern anymore”

The problem with this sentence is that it’s not flowing properly. It doesn’t use punctuations and it’s not clearing up the subject matter. So, can AI help us fix it? Let’s find out:

Paraphraser tool example - The people in power are unaware and indifferent to the city's problems and they act as if it is not their concern anymore.

This is AI’s power in all its glory. It has VASTLY improved the original sentence and made it flow ten times better. It added punctuation, used better synonyms, and made it flow smoothly.

3. Improve The Content Tone

The content’s tone depends on how well the words merge with each other. Moreover, if the content is readable, sentences are short, and paragraphs are of adequate length. Now, it only begs the question: can AI help us with that?

Here’s an example of a lackluster content tone:

“The city’s traffic problems are the police’s to solve, and they need to fix it ASAP. That’s why the people are protesting and they are out of their houses and got on the roads”
Once again, this content doesn’t flow well, the readability is rocky, and it lacks a lot of good elements. Let’s put it through AI once more:
Paraphraser tool example - The city’s traffic problems are the police’s to solve, and they need to fix it ASAP. That’s why the people are protesting and they are out of their houses and got on the roads.

Once again, AI demonstrates how it can improve your content by improving the content tone. Using alternative words and shortening the content has tenfold improved the content’s tone. This should tell you how to formulate your content for a better tone.

4. Remove Redundancy from Your Content

Content’s redundancy is one of the causes for it to be discarded by a tutor or search engines. That’s why it’s important to write content without any fluff or excess. So, does the AI tool help us with that? Here’s an example of redundant content:

“The problem was persisting in the city. The city was continuously suffering from the problem”

These two sentences are describing the same subject matter. Here’s what an AI-based tool does to it:

Paraphraser tool example - The problem was persisting in the city. The city was continuously suffering from the problem.

It added additional context to remove redundancy from the content—making it an extension of the original sentence.

5. Avoid Plagiarism – Create 100% Original Content

Plagiarism is one of the most common troubles that writers face all the time. As we’ve seen throughout this article, paraphrasing tools help rewrite content without the struggle of doing it manually.

Therefore, it’s safe to assume that it helps us avoid plagiarism by telling us just how to rephrase. At times, the tool will alter the course of the content to make it unique.

Other times, the tool removed certain elements to make the content better. All of these can help you avoid plagiarism and develop your skill to write original content.


This is how an AI-based paraphrasing tool can help you to improve your writing skills. So, make sure you use them to learn to write better and do things the way these tools do.

About the Author

Talha Nasir writes articles for a variety of educational, tech and research websites. He contributes articles about digital marketing, SEO techniques and tech regularly to