5 Relationship Skills Necessary
to Make Your Relationship Last

See also: Emotional Intelligence

The idea of being in a healthy relationship sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Who does not want a partner to support them through the rough days? A person to love and care for, with whom you can share anything? But, love is not enough to build a healthy and sustainable relationship. It requires time and some serious effort from both partners.

To make a partner want to spend their life with you and make the relationship last, you need to cultivate certain skills. And it does not matter whether you are just in the talking stage with your crush or in a long-term relationship – you will need certain skills in all the stages of a relationship to strengthen your bond with your partner. So, read on to learn about the essential skills you need to work on to maintain a long-lasting relationship.

1. Communication Skills

No relationship, whether platonic or romantic, can survive without good communication. Communicating with your partner is an integral part of the relationship. It helps you understand each other better and eliminates any emotional barriers.

You and your partner must discuss everything in a relationship. From your joys to your concerns, your troubles to your conflicts. You must also discuss your goals and desires to understand where you both and the relationship are headed.

It is also crucial to discuss issues that affect the two of you individually and your partnership as a whole. Even though you may not always agree on everything, communication allows you to channel your disagreements in a way that results in a compromise that enables you to stay together. So, be honest, speak your heart, and try empathizing with each other.

2. Building Trust

Even if you believe in love at first sight, you surely won’t fall into the trap of trusting someone at first sight. A relationship may survive dips in love, but a breakdown of trust can significantly impact and even end a relationship. So, it’s no surprise that earning someone's trust takes time and practice.

Trust is the bedrock of any healthy, long-lasting relationship. You must be willing to confide in your partner not just your emotions but also your flaws. This way, you will develop social, mental, and spiritual trustworthiness in them. Moreover, if you are willing to put in the effort, you can find a way to mend a break in trust.

3. Respecting Boundaries

You are two different people with different needs. You may not always agree with each other, but you should be able to respect each other even when you are going through a conflict. It is critical that you accept each other’s differences and avoid crossing any emotional or physical boundaries. But it is important to not only respect boundaries but also set them clearly in the first place. You need to have some serious and honest conversations with your partner about what triggers you and what boundaries you would like them not to cross.

Respecting boundaries also involves giving each other enough time and space to grow, think, and make your own decisions. Not infiltrating each other’s personal space is another important factor in this equation, so you may need to make some sacrifices to ensure your partner does not feel suffocated or controlled in the relationship. This approach also builds trust, and you can enjoy your personal life without any restrictions.

4. Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

A relationship can come to an untimely end when the partners start blaming one another for their problems. This type of blame shifting can lead to conflicts and resentment in the relationship. Thus, there is no need to point out each other's shortcomings. You both need to learn how to take responsibility for your own actions and avoid blame games.

When you are facing issues, you need to discuss your concerns with your partner and attempt to solve the problem together as a team. If you think your partner made a grave mistake or hurt you, discuss it with them in a calm and collected manner, without indulging in screaming and mocking. And if you were in the wrong, take responsibility for it and apologize.

5. Commitment

Being committed to someone involves more than just being in a monogamous relationship. It is a skill that you need to work on for a long-term commitment. Being committed means you are ready to stick by your partner in good times and bad times.

Commitment requires you to work on your present problems so that you can build a secure future together. When you commit to someone, you accept their flaws and help them through solving their issues. And that is a responsibility you cannot take lightly.

Eliminate distractions and give your better half your complete focus, even when you are just having a brief conversation. Doing this can convey to your partner how much you appreciate their companionship and how important their emotions are to you.

Fight every day not with each other but for each other. The more stubborn you become to make things work, the better your chances of making the relationship last for a long time with the same love, passion, and care for each other.

Guide to Personal and Romantic Relationships

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide Personal and Romantic Relationships

Personal and romantic relationships can be difficult to navigate.

Even those who are highly skilled at personal interactions at work can struggle to translate these skills to their home environment. This book is designed to help you do just that: to take your existing interpersonal skills, understand them better, and use them effectively in your personal relationships.

The Bottom Line

Maintaining a healthy relationship may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but you should never stop trying to make things work with your partner. Although it may seem simple, building a healthy relationship requires time and effort from both partners if they want it to last a long time.

You may create and maintain a healthy and long-lasting relationship with the help of the skills mentioned above. And above all, ensure that whatever you do, you do it for love and with love.

About the Author


Nisha has a passion for writing and loves the idea of sharing. She has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies, and beauty. She keeps reading articles on different blogs that give a kick to her passion and provides her with different ideas. She is growing day by day and mastering writing appealing articles.