5 Mistakes to Avoid While Writing Content

See also: Writing Marketing Copy

Want to excel in your marketing scope by gaining a better reach to customers? Learn the dos and don’ts of content writing to improve your webpage traffic.

Whether you're writing an informational blog or running an ecommerce business, the content is the bridge between your audience and your web pages.

Content may contain several elements, like keywords and featured snippet answers about users' queries to achieve better visibility and ranking among the search engine results.

It is understandable for a writer to follow specific guidelines while writing the content. But as we take preventive measures in many other areas of our lives, there are some common mistakes to avoid in content writing.

This article outlines the mistakes to avoid while writing content for a website, and we also look at how best to avoid these mistakes to produce quality content for websites.

1. Skimming Instead of Researching

One of the most prominent mistakes writers make is just going through an article's main points and highlights without undertaking any in-depth research. This skim reading technique only helps if you already have prior knowledge of a topic, so that you are able to go through it again quickly as revision.

Avoiding this mistake can bring you the following benefits:

  • Perform in-depth Research

    An important initial step when writing content is to undertake in-depth research. Even if you're sure about a topic, studying and researching from more than one source is recommended. If this first step is not performed correctly, the rest of the building blocks of content writing won't fit.

  • Focus on Technical Elements

    Gathering first-hand knowledge about something leads to learning facts about its technical elements in detail. It is crucial to perform in-depth research regarding technical content writing to ensure figurative information like calculations.

  • Add Value to User's Queries

    Well-researched articles add value to users' queries. When you feature content on your website that is brought together from different credible resources, it helps provide useful knowledge for your readers.

    Well researched content provides more information to users about the topic they have searched for with a specific keyword. Well-defined content leaves no room for questions, and so your audience considers it credible and shareable over the internet.

2. Lack of Search Engine Optimization Strategy

Search Engine Optimized content has a better chance of ranking highly in search engine results. Writing content without following a search engine optimization strategy may result in a simple block of text that gets no reach, adds no value to users, and receives no recognition from search engines.

Therefore, a writer should try to include the following elements of content optimization if they want to achieve better recognition from their audience:

  • Avoid Keyword Stuffing

    Well-optimized content contains keywords with considerable search volume to appear against users' queries. Keywords are the building blocks of SEO content, and they are connected to the search queries entered by users in the search consoles.

    It's crucial to adjust relevant keywords in the content and avoid keyword stuffing just to achieve a higher ranking since this results in a negative impression in the search engine algorithm. Make sure to include the primary keyword in the first 100-150 words of the webpage content.

  • Avoid Plagiarism

    Plagiarism is the worst thing a writer can be accused of as, in the world of authors, it can be considered a crime. Moreover, it is not acceptable to search engines either. Therefore, it is essential to remove plagiarism if you want to maintain your reputation with readers and search engines.

    Google clearly states in their guidelines that they will penalize content that contains plagiarism to a critical level. In order to avoid this penalty, it is recommended that writers use a plagiarism checker for self-evaluation of their writing skills.

3. Skipping Proofreading

Proofreading is the best technique to detect mistakes in your content. It allows you to get a reader’s perspective and helps to reduce any structural or grammatical errors in your content.

Writers skip proofreading to save time, but instead, it consumes more time when they have to edit the content again if it contains errors and mistakes. The following factors should not be overlooked while proofreading an article:

  • Grammatical Mistakes

    The primary duty of a writer is to check grammar before publishing any written content online. Grammatical mistakes ruin a writer's reputation in the eyes of the reader, even if they have placed all the relevant keywords in it.

  • Preposition Placement

    It is vital to place prepositions in the right place to make the content more readable by users. At the end of a query, a lack of a question mark can leave readers in the dark about the meaning of a statement. The same goes for commas and full stops as they help to make the content more readable.

  • Spelling Mistakes

    Most editing software includes features for correcting any spelling mistakes automatically. But still, if you’re more focused on the content marketing niche, spelling of a brand name or similar can be easily confused. Therefore, check any spelling mistakes or typing mistakes in your content before finalizing the submission.

4. Ignoring Targeted Audience

It is vital to keep your targeted audience in mind while writing the content. This element should not be ignored while writing marketing content, as copywriting depends on the nature of readers.

  • Research Your Audience

    If you have the regional information of your targeted audience and know about their preferences, you can create marketing content that fits their interest. There are several tools you can use to learn about your targeted audience's age group, gender, and region against a specific keyword.

  • Make it Readable

    The nature of your writing should match the user persona and psychology. For example, if your targeted audience is the age group of 18-21, you may want to keep a more informal tone in your writing. This technique helps to achieve a better readability score.

Becoming Irrelevant

Users are looking to get answers for their queries and don’t have time to read irrelevant content. To achieve the total word count, writers may feature irrelevant content in their publications.

  • Keep Things Concise

    Featuring irrelevant content affects the readability score and dilutes your content. Keeping things concise and straight to the point helps add value to users' queries. Writing to the point answers can help you achieve a better ranking under the featured snippet answers.


Mistakes committed by writers are unintentional most of the time. Examples can be taken from the typing mistakes, but avoiding proofreading is more like an intentional mistake that should not be overlooked by any means.

Therefore, writers should avoid the mistakes mentioned above to create quality content for their websites. Avoiding such mistakes can allow authors to maintain a reputation amongst their readers.

About the Author

Shehroze Imran is a professional writer who has undertaken many successful writing projects. His expertise is in the field of technology, content, and digital marketing.